Saturday, September 19, 2015

New York preview

Today, took the big girl on a trip to New York for her birthday.  Pete's company had a bus going to New York and we thought it would be a great trip for her.  We left Audrey with her grandparents.  She told me that she was going to Grandma and Grandpas and Celia was going to be bored.  I explained our plans for New York and that is what she felt about the idea!!  She has evidently had a blast on her little vacation.

So one of our first stops was to the Toys R Us
I am not sure who liked the store better, Pete or Celia.
It was very impressive

Our big stop of the day was the American Girl Doll Store
Celia enjoyed looking all around and Pete said it was torture

Quite honestly, it was not as interesting as I thought it was going to be..

This store impressed us a ton

We took the subway to see the World Trade center memorial

I think she had a very good day.

When we arrived home, Maryellen was there to greet her.
Was that perfect timing or what???
It was not even parent created, it was actually delivered today, 2 days earlier then expected.

More to come

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